Good morning fellow Mainers,
I realize not all of you are gun owners, but I am confident you all support the 2nd Amendment and the rule of law. I also know there are a good number of you that are, like me, members of local gun clubs. The reason for my email is to inform you of what's going on in Augusta with regard to anti-gun legislation, and specifically, our own state senator, Anne Carney.
Rather than write a long email repeating what the Gun Owners' of Maine (GOME) has already put together, I'm including a link below to their site, which provides a timeline and background of what is happening in Augusta. I'm hopeful you will read through what they've assembled. Additionally, I encourage you to express your concerns with Senator Carney. She needs to know that she is not above the law. Senator Carney also needs to be reminded that none of the proposed anti-gun bills would have prevented the tragic event in Lewiston. As a matter of fact, Governor Mills' own independent commission determined that if the current Yellow Flag law would have been followed, the event would have been avoided. WE DON'T NEED NEW LAWS!
Have a great rest of your day! Stay warm!
John Lewis | Chair
Cape Elizabeth Republican Town Committee
March 21st Update:
I wanted to provide you with an update with regard to Senator Carney's closed-door meeting with the ATF. The Gun Owners of Maine has filed an ethics complaint against her. See attached.

I also wanted to share the text of my email I sent this morning to Senator Carney.
Dear Senator Carney,
As your constituent, I felt it my duty to express my concern for the lack of transparency, and perhaps the skirting of state law, that is happening under your watch, as the Chair for the Judiciary Committee. I am also writing to oppose all of the proposed anti-2nd amendment laws being considered.
First, the potential violation of state law. It has been brought to my attention that you, and several Democrat members of the committee, met privately with a representative from the ATF. According to state statute, a meeting involving 3 or more members must be made public. How was this allowed to happen? And what was the logic?
Second, none of the laws being proposed (including one being sponsored by you) would have prevented the tragedy that took place in Lewiston last year... none. According to Governor Mills' own independent commission, the horrific event would have been avoided if the current Yellow Flag law would have been followed.
I would encourage you and your colleagues to look into ways to help law enforcement perform their jobs better. Perhaps greater education and training on the Yellow Flag is necessary. We don't need new laws, especially ones that put law-abiding citizens in jeopardy.
John Lewis
Cape Elizabeth Resident
John Lewis | Chair
Cape Elizabeth Republican Town Committee