For Immediate Release Contact: Charles Ellis
(207) 491-8964
(Day & Evening)
On Tuesday night, the Cumberland County Republican Committee elected Charles Ellis of Westbrook as Chairman to lead the committee. By Thursday, Maine came under fire for its defiance of President Trump’s Title IX executive order, which expressly prohibits men from playing on girls’ and women’s sports teams – “as a matter of safety, fairness, dignity, and truth." The new CCRC leadership stands behind Maine women and their right to compete on a fair playing field and to preserve their privacy in locker rooms and restrooms. They fully support President Trump’s response to cut off federal funding to Maine in light of this stubborn disregard for the President’s Executive Order protecting women’s sports.
Title IX was enacted in 1972 and prohibits sex discrimination in any educational program or activity that receives federal funding. It was a watershed movement for girls and women and their participation in sports increased exponentially in the more than 50 years since its enactment.
The irony of a female Governor refusing to honor the wishes of its young female athletes and to dismiss the shoring up of Title IX to protect these women is not lost on most Mainers.
The CCRC urges parents to make their voices heard at School Board meetings, with school administrators and to the Maine Principals’ Association and will support them whenever and however they can.
New members joining the committee with Mr. Ellis as Chairman are:
Vice Chair, Chris Teel of Brunswick
Secretary, Steven Scharf of Portland
Treasurer, Mike Hall of Windham
Program Chair, Kellie Teel of Brunswick
With its new leadership team in place, the CCRC will fight to protect women and women's sports in the State of Maine, which are currently under assault by Governor Mills and Democrats in the Maine State House, who appear to be actively thwarting President Trump’s agenda. This is not surprising in light of the resistance and lawfare that Maine democrats attempted to exercise prior to the election. The CCRC knows they have their work cut out for them, yet they feel energized with the support of a President that won a national mandate in November and will use these headwinds to energize their fight ahead.
The Cumberland County Republican Committee's mission is to support the enrolled Republican voters of Cumberland County by
• Assisting the member municipalities in recruiting and training Republican candidates for local and state of ices,
• Supporting national Republican of ice seekers and holders,
• Providing support and training for the local municipal committees, and
• Further the principles and ideals of the Republican Party through cooperation and support for the State and National Republican
Committees, Republican members of the Maine State Legislature and other party organizations. In doing so create a positive
Republican Party presence in Cumberland County and the State of Maine.