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Legislative Update from May 3rd, 2023


Updated: May 11, 2023

Public Hearings on Several Important Topics

Abortion, Bodily Autonomy, Firearms, Health Care, Maine Care, Gender Affirming Care, Parental Rights, School Choice, Welfare and General Assistance, and Voter ID

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In Criminal Justice, there are public hearings on bills related to Firearms

May 8, 9:00

LD 624 – An Act to Prohibit Government Officials from Maintaining Records Related to Firearms Owners

LD 1451 – An Act to Prohibit the State and Local Law Enforcement of Federal Firearms Laws

LD 1561 – An Act to Restore Firearm Rights and Hunting Privileges to Persons Previously Convicted of certain nonviolent felony crimes

May 9, 1:00

LD 1560 – An Act to Remove the Duty of an Individual Exercising Self-Defense to Safely Retreat or Abstain from Performing Certain Acts upon Demand

In Judiciary

Bills related to Abortion – Friday, May 5 at 9:00

LD 494 - An Act to Conform State Funding to the Federal Hyde Amendment, Limiting Funding for Some Abortion Services

LD 771 – An Act to Protect a Woman’s right to withdraw consent for an abortion

LD 1197 – An Act to Prevent Coerced Abortion

LD 1249 - An Act to Protect the Quality of Care Provided via Telehealth by Prohibiting Physicians from Prescribing Abortion-inducing Drugs or Devices Through Telehealth or Other Electronic Communication.

LD 1614 - An ACt to Require an Ultrasound and Certain Counseling Before an Abortion

Bills related to Parental Rights – Friday May 5 at 1:00

LD 1410 – An Act to Hold School Employees Civilly Liable for Failure to Notify Parents Regarding Medical Issues of Students Under 18

LD 1809 - An Act to Prohibit Health Care Services Without Parental Consent

Bills to set up Commissions related to our Constitution and Sentencing – Monday, May 8 at 1:00

LD 1824 - Resolve, to Establish the Commission to study the Constitution of Maine Sen. Hickman of Kennebec - proposed changes include creating the position of Lt. Governor, 4 year terms for State Senators, reducing the number of members of the Legislature, and establishing a unicameral Legislature, eliminating Legislative approval for constitutional amendments.

LD 1865 - An Act Established the Maine Sentencing Guidelines Commission - RTR, Rep Moonen of Portland. Public Hearing Monday May 8, 1:00. This bill was printed on May 2 and gets a hearing 4 business days later. 19 members to develop, adopt and modify sentencing guidelines for murder and felonies

Bills related to our Criminal Justice System, Wednesday, May 10 at 9:00

LD 1771 - An Act Regarding Speedy Trials - Rep Moonen of Portland, bi-partisan - Def in custody for Felony - trial must commence within 180 days from arraignment or first appearance, whichever is earlier, for Class D or E, 45 days. For defendants not in custody, 270 days for felony, 60 days for Class D or E, remedy for noncompliance is dismissal with prejudice. (Editor’s note – good idea but will need significant increase in resources - $$$$$ - to make it feasible)

LD 1782 - An Act to Empower Jurors by Allowing Instructions That they May Find a Defendant Not Guilty if a Guilty Verdict Would Yield an Unjust Result - Rep Boyer of Poland, bi-partisan incl Faulkingham - jury nullification - court must instruct jury "If you find that the State has proved all the elements of the crime charged beyond a reasonable doubt, you must find the defendant guilty unless you find based upon the facts of the case that a guilty verdict will yield an unjust result, in which case you may find the defendant not guilty

LD 1790 - An Act Removing the Statute of Limitations on Criminal and Civil Actions Involving Sexual Abuse of Minors

Resolution – Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution to Establish the Right to Bodily Autonomy – second public hearing is schedule for Friday, May 12 at 9:00.

Bills Related to “Gender Affirming Care” – Friday, May 12 at 1:00

LD 535 - An Act to Increase Access to Necessary Medical Care for Certain Minors.

LD 1735 - An Act to Safeguard Gender-Affirming Health Care

Also on May 12 at 1:00 –

LD 1833 - An Act to Amend the Definition of Educational Institution under the MHRA to include single-sex educational institutions

In Education and Cultural Affairs

Bills related to schools and school choice –

Public Hearings Mon May 8 at 1:00 – note these 5 bills have been printed from April 20 to May 2 – not much notice for public hearings!

LD 1741 - An Act to Promote Educational Opportunity Through the Educational Choice Tax Credit Program, Eliminating Certain Restrictions on Charter Schools and Virtual Public Charter Schools, Allowing More Entities to Authorize Charter Schools and Clarifying Educational Policy on Immunization Requirements. Sponsored by Rep Bagshaw of Windham.

LD 1798 - An ACt to Support School Choice by Establishing Empowerment Scholarship Accounts. Sponsored by Sen Libby of Cumberland

LD 1838 - An Act to Create the Empowerment Scholarship Account Program - Rep Swallow of Houlton, Sen Libby of Cumberland

LD 1841 - An ACt to Establish the Hope and Inclusion Scholarship Program - Rep Bagshaw of Windham

LD 1860 - An ACt to Create the Educational Opportunity Account Program

Bills related to schools and parental rights Public hearings Thursday May 11, 1:00

LD 1196 – An Act to Require Public Schools to Allow Parents and Guardians to Opt Out their Children with respect to Portions of the Curriculum

LD 1199 – An Act to Provide Transparency in Public School Curricula

LD 1518 – An Act Regarding the Rights of Parents to Withdraw their children from Public School Classes or Activities that Include Certain Controversial Viewpoints

LD 1589 – Resolve, Directing the DOE to Adopt Rules Prohibiting Teachers in Public Schools from Engaging in Political, Ideological and Religious Advocacy in the Classroom –

LD 1643 - An Act Regarding Instructional Materials, Surveys, Analysis, Evaluations and Events at Public Schools

LD 1800 - An Act Regarding Parental Rights in Education

In Health and Human Services

Bills pertaining to welfare and general assistance– public hearing Friday, May 5 at 10:00

LD 182 – An Act to Create a 9-month time limit on General Assistance Benefits for Able-bodied adults without dependents – Sen Brakey of Androscoggin –

LD 183 – An Act to Incorporate Time Limits on the TANF program into Municipal General Assistance Programs – Sen Brakey of Androscoggin

LD 268 – An Act To Establish a 45-day Municipal Residency Requirement for General Assistance Programs – Sen Brakey of Androscoggin

LD 364 – An Act to Prohibit the Use of General Assistance as a Replacement for Available Resources – Sen Brakey of Androscoggin

LD 454 – An Act to Establish a 180-day State Residency Requirement for Municipal General Assistance – Sen Brakey of Androscoggin

LD 1664 - An ACt to Increase Reimbursement Under the General Assistance Program - Rep Moore of Washington, bi-partisan - increases state reimbursement from 70% to 90%.

LD 1675 - An Act to Amend the Laws Governing the General Assistance Program Regarding Eligibility, Housing Assistance and State Reimbursement and to Establish a Working Group

In Health Coverage, Insurance and Financial Services

Bill related to MaineCare public hearing May 8, 10:00

LD 902 – An Act to Repeal the so-called MaineCare Expansion

Bills pertaining to Health Care – public hearing May 9, 1:00

LD 303 – An Act to Provide Health Insurance, Reduce Administrative Burdens, Reduce Costs and Improve Health Outcomes – Rep Pringle of Windham – concept draft

LD 329 – An Act to Ensure Health Care for all Maine Residents – Sen Tipping of Penobscot – concept draft.

LD 590 – Resolution, Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution of Maine to Establish a Right to Health Care –

LD 1387 – An Act to Ensure that all Maine children have a healthy start by providing a single-payer health care insurance to all children – Sen Baldacci of Penobscot – concept draft.

In Veterans and Legal Affairs

Bill pertaining to photo ID for voting – Public Hearing May 12, 11:00

LD 1365 – An Act to Require Photograph Identification for Voting – Rep Paul of Winterport - must use photo ID but not college ID, if person does not have a photo ID, can get one free from SOS

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