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Legislative Update from May 28th, 2023


LDs that are well and truly DEAD – came out of the standing committees and were reported to the House and Senate. Note – there are some Good Deaths here.

LD 34 – An Act to Require a Person to Show Photo ID for the purpose of Voting

LD 51 – An Act to Restore Religious and Philosophical Exemptions to Immunization Requirements

LD 89 – An Act to Clarify Eligibility for Property Tax Stabilization for Individuals 65 years of age or older

LD 222 – An Act to Require Students to demonstrate Knowledge of the Constitution of Maine and the US Constitution

LD 245 – An Act to Require a Person Receiving Unemployment Benefits to Attend Scheduled Interviews to Fulfill the Work Search Requirements

LD 338 – An Act to Allow Education Funding to Follow the Student

LD 514 – Resolve, Directing the Office of the State Auditor to Report on Taxpayer Money Funding Maine Nonprofits

LD 521 – An Act to Prevent Political Patronage with regard to State Legislators

LD 529 – An Act to Remove the Annual Filing Requirement in the Property Tax Stabilization Laws

LD 590 – Resolution, Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution of Maine to Establish a Right to Health Care

LD 665 – An Act to Extend the Date by Which Compliance (to LD 2003 – Public Law 2021, chapt 672) ) is required

LD 667 – An Act to Impose a Tax Surcharge on Certain Incomes

LD 668 – An Act to Protect Maine Taxpayers by Requiring a person to be a US citizen to receive GA benefits and to ensure municipal compliance with Federal Immigration Laws

LD 685 – An Act to Codify that FOAA and FOIA requests are not Hate Crimes.

LD 694 – An Act to Lower the Signature Quantity Requirement for Certain Independent Candidates for Elected Office

LD 737 – An act to Prohibit Government Contracting Organizations from Influencing Elections

LD 768 – An Act to Authorize State Political Parties to Opt out of Ranked-Choice voting for Primary Elections

LD 770 – An Act to Prohibit Ballot Harvesting by Preventing a 3rd person from Returning More than 2 Absentee Ballots per day

LD 801 – An Act to Require Municipalities to Obtain Housing Units for Residents Experiencing Homelessness

LD 835 – An Act to Phase out the income tax

LD 869 – An Act to Protect Education Access by Prohibiting a Mandate for Schoolchildren for a Covid 19 vaccine or a vaccine under an emergency use authorization

LD 1038 – An Act to Reinstate Plurality Voting by Repealing the Ranked Choice Voting

LD 1098 – An Act To Restore Religious and Philosophical Exceptions Regarding Immunization Requirements

LD 1194 – An Act to Implement Work Requirements under the MaineCare program

LD 1137 – An Act to Prohibit Deceptive Advertising in Limited Pregnancy Service Centers (this bill was withdrawn on April 28)

LD 1148 – An Act to Prohibit Covid-19 Vaccine Mandates for Students Enrolled in Public Institutions of Learning

LD 1202 – An Act to Increase the Homestead Exemption to $50,000

LD 1209 – An Act to Reinstate the Religious and Philosophical Vaccine Exemptions for Private Schools and Virtual Public Charter Schools

LD 1228 – An Act to Prohibit Certain Higher Education Institutions from requiring vaccines approved under emergency use authorization for admission or Attendance

LD 1300 – An Act to Give the Governing Board of a Municipality Input into the Budget Developed by a School Board.

LD 1320 – An Act to Improve Signature Requirements for Candidates by Allowing Unenrolled Voters to Sign Petitions for Party candidates

LD 1380 – An Act to Fund Municipal Administrative Costs Associated with the Senior Property Tax Stabilization Program

LD 1413 – An Act To Amend the Laws Establishing a Property Tax Stabilization Program for Senior Citizens

LD 1448 – An Act to Change the TANF Program Requirements by Reducing Benefits Commensurate with a Recipient’s Salary, Reducing the Special Housing Allowance and Limiting Eligibility for 2-parent Families

LD 1650 - An Act to Create a Tiered Senior Resident Homestead Exemption

LD 1651 - An Act to Reduce the State Income Tax

LDs that are 1 small step away from Death – reported out of committees on Unanimous Ought Not to Pass Reports

LD 1567 – An Act to Create a Training Program for School Board Members and Establish School Board Meeting Standards

LD 1571 – An Act to Provide Meaningful Public Participation at Local School Board Meetings

LD 1697 - An Act to Implement Background Checks for School Board Members

LD 182 – An Act to Create a 9-month time limit on General Assistance Benefits for Able-bodied adults without dependents

LD 183 – An Act to Incorporate Time Limits on the TANF program into Municipal General Assistance Programs

LD 268 – An Act To Establish a 45-day Municipal Residency Requirement for General Assistance Programs

LD 364 – An Act to Prohibit the Use of General Assistance as a Replacement for Available Resources

LD 454 – An Act to Establish a 180-day State Residency Requirement for Municipal General Assistance

LD 776 – Resolution, Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution of Maine to Establish the Right to Bodily Autonomy

LD 1629 - Resolution, Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution of Maine to Recognize the Right to Personal Privacy

LD 1899 - An Act to Establish a Maine Commercial Driver’s License for Use Within State Borders

Passed House and Senate –

LD 394 - Resolve, Regarding the Legislative Review of Chapter 117 - Rule Regarding the Duties of School Counselors and School Social Workers, a Major Substantive Rule of the DOE

Passed House and Senate – on the Appropriations Table

LD 199 – An Act to Improve the Health of Maine Residents by Removing Exclusions to the MaineCare Program – provides coverage for noncitizen residents who are ineligible for coverage under the federal Medicaid program due to their immigration status. Fiscal note is $13.6MM per year, (initially).


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